About Me

My work is an intrusion into fantasy and secret desires. I start with a photograph or a fragment of it--or dreams and memories--and together with mood and color these can be triggers for the world I create.
Studied at the University of the Arts - Wimbledon, BA (Hons) Fine Art Painting. Shortlisted for Prunella Clough painting prize in 2009
Selected Exhibitions and Projects
Helical Swirl, 4th November, 2016, at Studio 180
Ultima, 5th January - 7 January, 2016, At The Embassy Tea Gallery
Premio Combat Prize 2015, Livorno, Italy, Artist Recommended by Jury and published in the Painting Section of the catalogue, May 2015.
Hollow Earth London Painters (HELP), 03/09/13 - 15/09/13, Group show at Six Space, Bournemouth - MORE INFO - http://www.hollowearthlondon.com/help
'Bizarro Filter' - 17/06/13 - 30/0613, Group show with Benjamin James Bridges, Amy Cochrane, Nadir Kinani and Matthew John Atkinson at Lewisham Art House Click her for more information
Diffraction, 27 October 2012 , Nolias Gallery, SE1 9LF, (behind the Oxo Tower) Surprise Number 4, 16 November 2012, ARTAZ Gallery, Technopolis Gkazi, Athens, Greece https://www.facebook.com/artAZ.gr
Friday 27th July - Friday 3rd August 2012, The Artist,
30th June - 30th July 2012, Roy's Salon Tea Party
January 2012, The Chaos of Memories
November 2011 Open ASC Studios
July 2011 Parallax Art Fair
October 2010 Open ASC Studios
2010 Affordable Art Fair, The Gallery, Wimbledon College of Art
2009 Jerwood Drawing Price
2009 Tate Research, Tate Encounters, Britishness and Visual Culture